Prolon support makes it possible to download the latest software versions for our products, as well as files needed for various LonWorks installation tools. 
Product Groups
Remote Support

Use the following links to start remote support software:

Lonbox® Series Comfort and Light Controller


PZM5614 Datasheet


PZM5614 application and XIF Version 5.16
PZM5614 application and XIF Version 4.11
PZM5614 application and XIF Version 3.06
PZM5614 application and XIF Version 2.09
PZM5614 application and XIF Version 1.19



I&O Mapping for LonMaker
PZM4148 PCB Layout

PZM4148 Kasse indlæg
Quick In and Output overview PZM4148

Software for hardware revision B (serial 0721-XXXX and higher)

PZM4148 application and XIF Version 18.00
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 16.00
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 15.01
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 14.03
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 7.02

Software for hardware revision A

PZM4148 application and XIF Version 8.00
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 6.08
PZM4148 application and XIF Version 5.03
PZM4148 application Version 3.02
PZM4148 application Version 2.02
PZM4148 application Version 1.01

Hardware Information

Hardware changes due to RoHS

Because of the RoHS directive some hardware components have been changed on the product. One component, the Smart Transceiver,  affect the network interface (XIF) of the PZM4148 because of a firmware version change. Common network management tools cannot handle product with same application interface version but with changed firmware and for this reason it has been necessary to release a new PZM4148 application software version. All product with serial number 0721-XXXX or higher should use software version 7, 9 or higher.

Hardware support for multi button resistor switches

The support for multi function switch buttons based on resistor networks available in software version 3 and later requires revision M hardware. The PZM4148 is marked PZM4148-M on the type label. All other functionality in the new software versions are fully compatible with the older hardware revision and the software can be run on these, only the switch functions will not work.


English PZM4146 Software Users Guide ver. 1
I&O Mapping for LonMaker
PZM4146 PCB Connectors

PZM4146 Kasse indlæg


PZM4146 application Version 4V00
PZM4146 application Version 3V01

PZM4146 application Version 2V02
PZM4146 application Version 1V06
PZM4146 application Version 1V03

PZM2114 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V06
PZM2114 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V00
English PZM2114 Software Users Guide ver. 2 and 3
Multi Load
Prolon Multi Load LM System PlugIn 2V02
  Multiloader for OpenLNS contact support
Lonbox® Series Light Controller


Two channel light module with 4 digital inputs for switch or occupancy sensor and two low side FET switch outputs for driving external 12 or 24 V relays.

Software for hardware revision B

PLS4024 APB and XIF Version 3V00

Software for hardware revision A

PLS4024 APB and XIF Version 1V00



Four channel light module with 4 digital inputs for switch or occupancy sensor and four NO relay outputs in two groups with build in RC protection of the relays.

Version 4.00 PLS4044 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 4V00

PLS4044 Connection Diagram



Eight channel light module with 8 dimmable outputs and inputs for occupancy and light sensors. Constant light controller.

Version 6.00 PLS4088 software and XIF in ZIP Archive 6V00

Version 5.00 PLS4088 software and XIF in ZIP Archive 5V00

PLS4088 PCB Layout
PLS4088 Kasse indl�g


Two channel light module with 4 digital inputs for switch or occupancy sensor and two relay outputs.

Version 3.01 PLS2024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V01

PLS2024 Connection Diagram

Added functionallity for setting commands to occupancy controllers.
Removed nvoEffectOccup output variable from occupancy controllers. The occupancy controller has a build-in heartbeat of the lamp output at 120 sec.

English PLS2024 Software Users Guide ver. 3

Version 2.02 PLS2024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V02

Configuration property for occupancy sensor function that support inverted input making it possible to use "active open" security style PIR sensors. Changed configuration properties to be in a LonMark configuration file instead of in configuration network variables. Added nvoEffectOccup output variable to occupancy controllers. The output
from the controller is heartbeated with a fixed 120 second interval. The
heartbeat is active for nvoLampValue and nvoEffectOccup.

  PLS2024 Scene
Version 4.00 PLS2024 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 4V00 (scene panel)
Lonbox® Series sunblind motor drivers


Version 1.03 PSD6044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 1V03


Version 4.00 PSD5044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 4V00
Version 3.02 PSD5044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 3V02
Version 2.00 PSD5044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 2V00
Version 1.01 PSD5044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 1V01


Version 7.00 PSD4044 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 7V00


Version 3.01 PSD2060 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 3V01


Version 7.02 PSD2013 APB and XIF in ZIP archive 7V02

  PSD2013 Connection Diagram
Lonbox® Series switches and displays



Version 1.07 PSW5000 APB and XIF Version 1.07




PSW4033/22/11 Software Users Guide Version 2
PSW4033/22/11 Initial Box Documentation


Software for hardware revision B

Version 3.00 PSW4022 APB and XIF Version 3.01

Software for hardware revision A

Version 2.01 PSW4022 APB and XIF Version 2.01
Version 1.01 PSW4022 APB and XIF Version 1.01

Software for hardware revision B

Version 3.00 PSW4022 APB and XIF Version 3.01

Software for hardware revision A

Version 2.01 PSW4033 APB and XIF Version 2.01
Version 1.01 PSW4033 APB and XIF Version 1.01


Version 3.00 PSW2042 APB and XIF Version 3V00


Version 1.01 PCM4001 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 1V02


Version 3.01 PCM2001 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V01
Version 1.00 PCM2001N APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 1V00

PCM2001N Software User Guide 1V00


PIO2004 with Version 1.00 PSM2004 software

This software is made as a Switch Module interface for potential switches in the PIO2004 hardware platform.  Interfacing 4 digital input to the following LonMark objects:  4 Switch, 1 Scene Panel and 2 Scene Controller.

PSM2004 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 1V00 Scene and Switch interface

Lonbox® Series analog input module



PAI4024 Connection Diagram

Software for hardware revision B

Version 3.00 PAI4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V0

Software for hardware revision A

Version 2.00 PAI4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V0



PTC4024 Connection Diagram

Software for PT1000 sensor

Version 1.02 PTC4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 1V02

Software for NTC20K sensor

Version 2.00 PTC4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V00


PIO2024 Applikation's Principper

Version 4.00 PIO2024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 4V0

ADC and DAC function block from v2 & v3 merge into one application. In addition to the physical sensor and actuator objects the application now contains 3 analog function, 3 digital to analog converters and 2 analog to digital converters. Note that due to code space requirements, some functions like programmable nv types have limited functionality.

Version 3.00 PIO2024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V0

The two digital to analog converter function block has been replaced by two analog to digital function blocks. (They can be used for controlling a lamp by a 0..10 V signal).

Version 2.00 PIO2024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V0

Two analog function has been added and one function block to convert from digital (SNVT_swith) to analog output.

Lonbox� Series digital input module


Version 3.00 PDI4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V0

PDI4024 Connection Diagram

Lonbox® Series energy counter module
This module has 3-digigal impulse counter inputs and one serial input for serial meter interface to IEC1107 based beters

Version 2.00 PIO4014 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V0

Lonbox® Series pulse counter and digital input module


The module has 4-digital impulse counter input and two digital outputs. The impulse counter functions are compliant to LonMark functional profile 22.01 Utility Meter. Each input can be separately configured with pulse value, preset, unit.


PPC4024 Connection Diagram

Software for hardware revision B

Version 7.01 PPC4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 7V01

Software for hardware revision A

Version 2.00 PPC4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V00

In the version 5 interface the start value and pulse factor configuration is implemented as a network variable, this allows access from tools not supporting configuration files.

Version 5.00 PPC4024 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 5V00



This module has been discontinued and is replaced by the PPC4024

The module has 4-digital impulse counter inputs where each input can separately be converted to a value presented on the control network.

PIO2004 Connection Diagram

Version 3.00 PIO2004 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 3V00

This software version is for accumulated and periodic consumption.  This software don't have the math module.

Version 2.00 PIO2004 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V00

This software version is for accumulated consumption.  This software  includes a math module.

Lonbox® Series HVAC unit


Version 2.02 PCC2053 APB and XIF in ZIP Archive 2V02
Lonbox® Series WEB Server and  data logger


Version 0.29 PID2000 Software in ZIP Archive 1V29
Version 1.2X PID2000 XIF file in ZIP Archive from 1V23 and up


Version 0.39 PID4000 Software in ZIP Archive 0V39

Archive Service
Version 2.04 Archive Service in ZIP Archive 2V04.010
 Lonbox® Fidelio gateway
Version 1

PFG4000-100 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-200 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-400 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-600 XIF file in ZIP

Version 2

PFG4000-100 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-200 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-400 XIF file in ZIP
PFG4000-600 XIF file in ZIP

Lonbox® Series


It is important that the resource files are registered before the device templates (XIF), that uses the resources, are installed in the LNS system. Also stop any LNS based systems before registering the files.

Lonbox Resource Files 2V09

This version requires installation of LonMark standard files version 14.

Older version can install Lonbox Resource Files 1V49 but latest user defined types might be missing depending on device type.

When replacing old Lonbox resource files with new resource files then, just copy the new files into the same directory. No registration is then needed.


LNS Plug-in

Prolon MultiLoad 2V02

The software is packed in ZIP files. Please use an UNZIP program to unpack the software archives. This program could be WINZIP, from WinZip Computing, Inc.

For more information about these Prolon products please contact Prolon Control Systems directly or your nearest national distributor.

Copyright � 2017 Prolon Control Systems
Last modified: oktober 03, 2017